Consistent weekly spraying of EM•1® at 1:50 ratio has also help control Pythium rot on Japanese radish "daikon"
Photo of diseased "daikon" plant and others near by that are starting to recover from the rot.
Another section, where a "daikon" plant had suffered the Phythium rot damage while other near by planting have recovered and show no signs of damage on new growth.
Owen Kaneshiro's consistent weekly foliar spraying of EM•1® onto his fields resulted with a harvest on half of the field with 2,730 pounds and the other half of the field was harvested a few days later with 1,970 pounds.
Total Japanese radish "daikon" harvested from one field that suffered Pythium rot was4,700 pounds!!
Similar examples were seen on other "daikon" fields where Pythium rot was controlled with consistent EM•1® applications.
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